Memories... (Part 2)
More memories...

The Mad Scientist Rockers Band (Featuring Sean & I)

Three Times A Lady (Pui Fun, why are you standing between my 'wife', Wen, and I? Just kidding.. Lol, I'm not lesbian... :p )

May the force be with you (Hehe, Aik Wye & his Hitler/Nazi salute)

The tall & the short (Suria KLCC has suddenly become taller than the twin towers by its sides... Jassie & I vertically challenged by Aik Wye)

Teck Jian: Look at my strong muscles. Don't you just admire them?
Me: Yeah right... (with a pinch of sarcasm)
Watch out for yet another episode of more memories to come in Part 3... ^_^
You guys are seriously jokers man... Those lab coats are with who now??
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