..........Myspace Codes An Extraordinary Life: Homesick...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Before I left for Sydney, I've always joked around with my family and friends, saying that I'll be the last one in the entire world to ever get homesick. Nobody disagreed with me as they knew I was pretty much looking forward to this new journey of venturing abroad on my own and nothing's going to spoil the excitement. I didn't even shed a tear when I stepped into the departure hall.

Boy, was everyone wrong.

Sure, I didn't really miss home that much the 1st 2 days as compared to others but come the 3rd day when I fell ill, that's when I suffered yet another disease.


I missed those convenient home-cooked meals that Mummy used to prepare for me, which I took for granted. The steaming chicken porridge that tasted so good even when you've practically lost your tastebuds. Or what about Daddy joking around to cheer me up so that I don't stay gloomy? Now all that remains is their voices through a mere device called a telephone.

Ah, suddenly, crazy thoughts ran through my mind like "Shih Ying, why didn't you just apply for IMU and stay at home where you can forgo all these troubles?"

Thing is, the mind conjures strange ideas when you're sick.

It wasn't until this morning when I was unpacking (I've been busy the past few days if not sick) that I began to feel the 1st symptom of homesickness kicking in. As I stacked my shirts into the drawers, I suddenly broke down and wept. Yup, you got it right. Surprised? So was I. I wept uncontrollably and couldn't stop even when I told myself to. I couldn't explain why either. Guess I'll just point the finger at that miserable thing called homesickness.

But I'm well and rational now.

And I asked myself, "What could have led me to be homesick? Maybe it was because I was ill and missed all the pampering back home?"

If so, it was a blessing in disguise. It hasn't been a week yet but I've learnt a lot. To be a little more independent. To be a little more grateful. Not to take things for granted. And to remember that I'll always have my beloved parents' support whom I shall not disappoint and let down.

If so, me falling ill isn't that bad after all. As they say, there's a silver lining in every cloud.

And I've found mine.

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At 8:26 PM, Blogger enigma said...

Hey jane...it's ok to cry.Cheerup and i believe u can do it.I cried 1st time away fr home too at ns. Can u believe it?I was still in mlk that time.Time will heal evrthing. Take care and God bless u.

At 6:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yo gal... It's definitely normal to cry and be homesick, even for a al like you... Who says strong-willed person won't feel homesick?? We've all got feelings... And I hope that in times of these you will seek God more.. Coz He's our strength and courage, and He will never forsake us... Anyway, I'm glad that you're much better now...


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