Iron Chef Midnight Cook-off
Late Monday night, we had the Iron Chef Midnight Cook-off where the 2 contenders were Eunice and Junxian of course! In case you wonder why, it was Eunice's birthday on Monday and Junxian's birthday on Tuesday, so Arooke has kindly organised this event to celebrate both their birthdays together. For those of you who've never watched the TV show "Iron Chef", it's actually having 2 teams who've to cook up at least 3 dishes using the mystery ingredients and the main dish has to be a "cake" that looks like the birthday girl or boy (depending whose team you're in!). I was assigned to be in Junxian's team and everyone just created a bunch of edible mess by the end of the night! To get a better idea, have a look at some of the photos below...

Arooke's invitation card to "the gang" to join in the cook-off...

The cake depicting Junxian's face... The strawberries are his hair and nose while the raspberries are his eyes. A banana will do for his mouth... Notice how much "mashed raspberry self-made jam" we spread over the whole cake to make him look super-red as he usually looked after a couple of drinks...

Eunice's team had to cope with Lemington's, M&Ms and lotsa choc and Nutella... Here's what her team thinks her face should look like...

A small portion of the "edible mess" we created by the end of the 30-minutes cook-off...

The birthday boy and I...

The birthday gal and I...
And thanks, Arooke, for organising this superbly fun yet hilarious event that just strengthens the bonds of us Basserians! ^_^
Labels: Australia, Basser, Celebrations, Malaysia
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