Interclub Commitee Conference (ICC)
Being the new publisher for UNSW's Malaysian Students Organization (MSO), I attended the ICC for committee members of all Malaysian students affiliated university bodies in New South Wales. It was held in University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) last Saturday and we had lots of fun in the games with yours truly winning the 1st round on behalf of MSO... :p Here are some photos from ICC...

The MSO Committee 2006...

...and their nametags

The MSA (Macquarie Uni) reps in green battling out kungfu style with the SUAMS (Sydney Uni) reps in black...

While others "yamseng" with drinks, we did it in style with our packed dinners...

JX and Sheila clingwrapped together in the Prez and VP's round...

In the final bonus round... Danny passed a superbly long verbal message (about 1 minute long) to me... which I passed on to Hui-Xieng, our "tai ka che" publisher

Victory is sweet as MSO gains bragging rights for the rest of the year as ICC 2006 champion!
I'm looking forward to ICC 2007! ^_^
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