Okay, I know I've promised to upload the pics of my new room (which has an area of 14 square metres) so here they are! ^_^
Welcome to room 156!
A closer shot at the room number...
My bed (it's covered with the doona), new curtains (they match the bed and carpet so well!) and a second-hand fan I bought from a friend for only AUD 10!
My 2 (yes, 2!) built-in wardrobes + heater (the board-like thing between the 2 wardrobes near the bottom) plus my very own personal wash basin... Hehe...
A closer shot at the wash basin and some deco I stuck on the wall (mainly cards, notes and photos) to make it "prettier"...
My study desk (it looks a little cluttered coz I've just only moved in for less than 3 hours at the time this photo was taken) and bookshelves plus the yearly wall planner...
A closer shot at the desk and shelves - note my personal room phone (where I get to make free calls within the uni and Basser+Goldstein+Baxter!) and the med books + folders (one folder every 8 weeks - how crazy is that?)... Oh, and yes, that's my new laptop (well, not exactly, since I got it last November) for those who haven't seen it... And look, don't the "purples" on my bag (thanks Wen and Fun for this wonderful birthday gift!), filebox, water tumbler, watch and tag lanyard match each other?
Ok, enough of my room shots - comments please! :p
Ps. It's 3.33PM on 3/3 (3rd of March)...
Labels: Australia, Basser
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