Three months may seem a long time but three months can just pass you by in a blink. Summer break had come and is now going – time to start uni again and get myself busy, more so with End-of-Phase 1 exams looming round the corner. I know it’s in May but one can’t help but get the nagging feeling that two months is indeed shorter than three months and those two months is no honeymoon to fit in more than two years’ work into the human brain. It’s just another two more days to go before the airplane transports me back to Sydney (I'm heading back on Tuesday). While I say hello to the joy of meeting friends back in uni and the woes of becoming a worn-out study machine soon, I realise that this also means farewell to family and friends back here. I’ll miss you all but if all goes well, one year will fly by quickly too and I’ll see you again as we swap stories and laugh over a cup of coffee.

Thanks for the good times, "IMU Gang"... =)
On another note, more interesting events are coming our way that are worth keeping an eye on. First up is the Oscars / Academy Awards which will be telecasted live tomorrow – wonder if there’s going to be any record-breakers or setters? Next are the elections – both here in Malaysia and miles away in the US. Will Barisan Nasional (BN) garner a huge victory again or will the strategy of having one instead of two contestants within the same constituency by opposing Barisan Alternatif (BA) yield fruitful results? John McCain seems set to be the Republican rep but how will it fare for the Democrats? Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton? Either way, if the Democrats win, history will be made as it will either be jotted down as the first Black or female President in US history. A less significant event but intriguing nonetheless is the voting of cities to be included in the latest Monopoly version – Monopoly Here & Now: The World Edition. With loyal citizens around the globe voting frantically to get their shortlisted cities listed as one of the twenty-odd spots on the board, why not go to and start voting daily too? Root on for Kuala Lumpur and Sydney! =P
So many events and so many uncertainties but oh well, time will tell.
Till then, adios amigos and I'll write again as soon as I can, this time from Sydney...
Labels: Australia, Malaysia, Medicine, Opinions
Hope you are enjoying your time in UNSW. Js droppng by to say hello~ tc
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