..........Myspace Codes An Extraordinary Life: My last end-of-course exam...

Thursday, May 01, 2008

My last end-of-course exam...

That's right - I sat for my last end-of-course exam (Society & Health B) today, that's provided I don't flunk it, lol... That means no more end-of-course (i.e. no more exams after each 8-week block) for the rest of my MBBS; it'll only be end-of-phase.

Speaking of which, my end-of-phase 1 exams (covering everything I've learned from 1st year up to the 3rd year stuff) are creeping nearer and nearer. Just about another week to go.

Friday 9th May: Written paper (2-3 hours)

Saturday 10th May: Practical exams consisting of 4 labs i.e. anatomy (10 stations), histopathology (4 slides), microbiology+biochemistry, and physiology+pharmacology

Monday 12th May: OSCE (objective structured clinical exam) - 6 stations where at each station, I'll need to take a full medical history, examine the patient and summarize my findings to the examiner

Hopefully I won't burnout before that. But thanks heaps to everyone who's been really supportive. Just last night, Peypey drove all the way to deliver me a Krispy Kreme to boost my energy as I studied for today's paper - not to mention the touching message she wrote in the card that came with the doughnut. Just random acts of kindness like these really make my day. Then there's Mich who's so eager to help me out by volunteering herself as my patient so I can practice for my OSCE. And Esther's sms kept me going too even though she's sitting for today's paper herself. And all my friends in Basser or church or med - the list goes on and on...

I really thank God that He has blessed me in so many ways. They may not seem direct or obvious but I know His hand is at work with every encouragement that comes my way. It really marvels me that He knows when to give me that little push I need every time when I feel that I cannot go on anymore. Even more amazing is that He should look out for such an insignificant me - I'm after all 1 in 6.66 billion of the world's population...

Lord, I surrender my life to you in all humility...

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