..........Myspace Codes An Extraordinary Life: FOCUS PM Church + IBF

Saturday, February 27, 2010


FOCUS PM Church @ UNSW will be kick-starting an exciting series on the book of Revelation this coming Sunday. So make sure you join us as we unravel the mysteries behind one of the most challenging reads of the New Testament!

FOCUS PM Church (Fellowship of Overseas Christian University Students)
Every Sunday
Keith Burrows Theatre, UNSW

As for weekly Bible Studies, IBF @ UNSW will be exploring the gospel of Jesus according to Luke, starting this coming Friday. Come learn to read God's Word for yourself and appreciate the story of Christ our Saviour!

IBF (International Bible Fellowship)
Every Friday
Squarehouse Level 2, UNSW

See you there! ^_^

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At 12:00 AM, Blogger Alma Jones said...

Calling all bloggers!

Everyone with a blog (personal, music, lifestyle, tech, etc) is invited to write an article about a band. The band plays jazz electropop and their videos have amassed over 400,000 views on YouTube alone.

• The article should at least be 400 words and should contain a link to the band’s website.
• Each blog you plan on posting the article to should contain at least 30 previous posts to be eligible for this task.
• Each qualified blog may post an article about the band ONLY ONCE; however, if you own several blogs, you may post one article in each of them.
• If you don’t own a blog but know someone who does, no sweat! YOU CAN ASK OTHER BLOG OWNERS TO PUBLISH YOUR ARTICLE; if they do, you are still qualified for the job.
• YOU ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO PUBLISH AN ARTICLE ONCE. If you have published an article in one of your blogs, don’t repost it in another blog; you will have to write another article if you want to post on another blog.
• Details about the band (information, website, pictures, etc) will be provided. No need for extensive research as the material and websites will be provided. All you need to do is be creative! :)
• The article can be a promotional write-up that introduces the band, talks about their music, and gives news about their upcoming album, OR it can be a music review. As for the writing tone, you can be as personal or as professional as you want, as long as all articles are positive and aimed at encouraging readers to listen to the band. In other words, there is no specific format you need to follow; just write to your heart’s content!
• NO PLAGIARISM; NO DUPLICATING OF ARTICLES. Articles will be checked using DupeFreePro and Copyscape. I will not tolerate anyone who breaks this rule.
• Lastly, the assignment is ongoing right now, which means there is no deadline yet. You can take all the time you need. Of course, the more articles you get published quickly, the more you earn fast!

• For each article successfully published in a blog, $1.20 is awarded via PayPal. You can publish as many articles as you want, as long as the article-to-blog ratio is 1:1 (that is, one article only per blog).
• Payment is made after every article, or after every batch of articles – say, every after 3 or 5 articles – depending on your preference. If you plan on publishing just 1 article, then you shall receive payment right after it has been published. If you plan on publishing 5 articles but want to get paid every after one published article, that’s also fine. Others prefer getting paid after batches of 5 for convenience. I am flexible and will entertain any arrangement.

The task is easy and fun. The article will also help drive new readers to your blog, considering the thousands of fans the band now has. Also, you get access to great tracks of the band for free! That’s the easiest $1.20 you’ll make as a blogger. :)

If interested, contact me at doc_alma_jones@yahoo.com. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon!


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