..........Myspace Codes An Extraordinary Life: Revelation 2 ~ The Jesus Letter

Monday, March 22, 2010

Revelation 2 ~ The Jesus Letter

The second chapter of Revelation details the contents of letters to 4 churches, namely Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, and Thyatira:

The Ephesians were persecuted for speaking up for the truth and against false teaching. Their endurance is commendable but they have lost their first love: the love they had when they first became Christians - love for God, Jesus, other Christians, outsiders, etc. Unless they repent, they will be removed. On the other hand, those who conquer (i.e. love Jesus) will be granted to eat of the tree of life...

This is a church that faced tribulation and poverty but was rich spiritually. The ten days in verse 10 refer to a time frame that is not too short but not too long either - this length of suffering is nothing compared to the eternal life promised to Smyrna, hence why they will only die once (the physical death) and not be hurt by the second death (verse 11) at the Day of Judgment.

While there were faithful witnesses who were martyred at Satan's throne like Antipas, there were also, unfortunately, those who held the teaching of Balaam and the Nicolaitans, practising idolatry and sexual immorality. Again, we see a similar pattern in the end results as compared to that of the church at Ephesus: unless they repent, there are dire consequences to be met. As for those who conquer, they are promised hidden manna (symbolizing food that gives life rather than the food sacrificed to idols, which were consumed by the church at Pergamum) and the white stone of victory.

While faith and perseverance are highly valued, Thyatira's tolerance of the seductress, Jezebel, was unacceptable. While this is a different Jezebel from the one who led Ahab astray in 1 Kings, nevertheless the Lord's commands have been trifled with in both cases. On a side note, Isabel is a variation of the name Jezebel - perhaps not the best name to give to your newborn daughter. (If your name is Isabel, or is a variant of it, please understand that I meant no offense - it does not necessarily imply that you're wicked like the Jezebel's of the Bible.) The solution to the problem? Not tolerate this teaching but rather hold fast to the things of Christ, not Satan.

Stay tuned as we cover the remaining 3 churches in our next installment: Revelation 3.

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