James 1:19-27 ~ Hearing and Doing the Word
The second half of James 1 extends on from the idea of the word of truth discussed about in James 1:18. In verses 19-27, we learn how we are to respond to this word of truth: to receive with meekness the implanted word (verse 21) and to be doers of the word, and not hearers only (verse 22). This doer (and hearer) of the word is also the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres (verse 25). Again, the idea of remaining steadfast during trials (as we have seen last week) is repeated here. The perfect law, the law of liberty refers to that of Jesus Christ who has died on the cross to free us from our bondage to sin - contrast this new law to the old Mosaic law where man's sinful nature makes it impossible to fully obey all ten commandments.
The use (or rather warning) of the tongue is also introduced in this first chapter (with more emphasis later in James 3). The reader is cautioned to be quick to hear but slow to speak, slow to anger (verse 19) and to bridle his tongue (verse 26).
The two main ideas of "doing the word" and "bridling the tongue" are interlinked in verses 26-27. Pure and undefiled religion (or rather the outward expression of our faith) as James pointed out is to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. In the days of James, orphans and widows are the most neglected members of the society who have no one to fend for them or to rely on. What verse 27 is trying to teach us is to remember to care for those who are less fortunate or privileged than us i.e. those who are in need. Keeping oneself unstained from the world can be related back to the idea of resisting temptations (discussed last week) and also setting the right priorities in life with God first above all things including riches, which is consistent with the earlier teaching to care for the needy and also flows onto James 2 that opens with lessons on riches and partiality (more on that next week).
A few questions to reflect on then:
The use (or rather warning) of the tongue is also introduced in this first chapter (with more emphasis later in James 3). The reader is cautioned to be quick to hear but slow to speak, slow to anger (verse 19) and to bridle his tongue (verse 26).
The two main ideas of "doing the word" and "bridling the tongue" are interlinked in verses 26-27. Pure and undefiled religion (or rather the outward expression of our faith) as James pointed out is to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. In the days of James, orphans and widows are the most neglected members of the society who have no one to fend for them or to rely on. What verse 27 is trying to teach us is to remember to care for those who are less fortunate or privileged than us i.e. those who are in need. Keeping oneself unstained from the world can be related back to the idea of resisting temptations (discussed last week) and also setting the right priorities in life with God first above all things including riches, which is consistent with the earlier teaching to care for the needy and also flows onto James 2 that opens with lessons on riches and partiality (more on that next week).
A few questions to reflect on then:
- How do you put into practice the concept of hearing and doing the Word?
- What have you done or can do to help the "orphans and widows" in our world today (starting from your own congregation)?
- What are some of the things of this world that may potentially "stain" you and how do you avoid them?
The study on James continues next Friday in IBF as we begin exploring Chapter 2... ^_^
Labels: Australia, Christianity, James
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