..........Myspace Codes An Extraordinary Life: James 1:2-18 ~ Acting in Adversity

Sunday, April 18, 2010

James 1:2-18 ~ Acting in Adversity

Looking at this first half of James chapter one, our group discussed that it was possible to further divide the passage into the following sections (with their corresponding themes):

v1: Greetings
v2-4: Steadfastness (idea repeated in James 5:7-12)
v5-8: Wisdom (James 3:13-18), Prayer (James 5:13-18)
v9-11: Humility (James 3:5, 14; 4:6, 10, 16), Riches (James 2:1-7; 5:1-6)
v12-15: Steadfastness, Temptations (James 4:2-4)
v16-18: Gifts from God (James 5:7-11)

This part of James focuses a lot on trials and temptations. How are we to respond correctly when met with trials? Verse 2 tells us to count it all joy (which may be linked with the promise of the crown of life in verse 12) while remaining steadfast (verses 3 and 12). We may also ask God if we lack wisdom (verse 5) to handle such trials.

A vast amount of God's character is also revealed in this passage. Verse 5 demonstrates how God is full of wisdom that He may give it generously. Verse 12 points out that He is faithful in keeping His promises and that He is a life-giver. The following line in verse 13 illustrates His holiness as He cannot be tempted with evil just like how He tempts no one. In verse 17, the gifts He gives are good and perfect and we also see that He is a Father of lights and is unchanging in character. His sovereignty is implied in the opening words of verse 18 and we see that He is the word, the truth, and also our creator.

Bearing in mind the ideas discussed in the above two paragraphs, we can be encouraged to persevere with patience when met with trials or suffering as our faithful, unchanging God who gives good gifts promises life to those who love Him and who stood the test.

And what an encouragement that is for us when acting in adversity! =)

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