..........Myspace Codes An Extraordinary Life: Revelation 12 ~ The War in Heaven

Friday, June 04, 2010

Revelation 12 ~ The War in Heaven

Revelation 12 paints a most vivid battle between a woman undergoing labour and a dragon. The images of being clothed with the sun, moon under her feet and crown of twelve stars (verse 1) echo Joseph's dream in Genesis 37:9-10: a sign that authority has been given to this woman, who symbolizes the nation of Israel or God's people (especially those of the Old Testament era). On the other hand, the dragon that creates strife is described in verse 3 as being red (colour of war, fighting and conflict) with seven heads (it pretends to be God by imitating completeness signified by the number '7') and ten horns (similar to the much-terrifying beast described in Daniel) - this is a destructive dragon who swept down a third of the stars of heaven (verse 4).

Verse 5 tells us that she gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, thus fulfilling the prophecy of a Messiah in Psalm 2. The woman fled into the wilderness (i.e. desert), where she has a place prepared by God (a reminder of the great Exodus), in which she is to be nourished (a reflection of the manna God sent down from above) for 1,260 days (another repetition of the idea of 'a time, times and half a time') (verse 6).

The next section from verses 7 to 12 depict the defeat of the dragon and his angels by Michael and his angels. Cross-references from Daniel and Jude verse 9 tell us that this dragon is none other that the deceitful serpent of a devil called Satan. Luke 10:17-18 demonstrated the power of our Lord Jesus Christ over the devil, who also saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Satan is conquered by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death (verse 11): the gospel message of Jesus Christ who was crucified for our sins saves. This act of God saving His people is further illustrated when the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle so that she might fly from the serpent (verse 14), similar to how God has bore His people on eagles' wings to bring them to Himself in Exodus 19.

Just as how Ephesians 6 and 1 Peter 5 warn us to put on the armour of faith in resisting the devil, we can begin to understand that the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short (verse 12). The dragon's last days are days filled with attacks on Christians using its three weapons: persecutions, lies and accusations. 1 Peter 4:14 and Matthew 10:34-38 show us that persecutions can come in the form of insults as well as division in the family. The devil's lies began even in Genesis 3 with half-truths instigating God's people to claim self-government since God is trying to hold back something good (e.g. the forbidden fruit) and that there are no bad consequences, judgment or death. He also uses our sins to accuse us and make us unsure of our own salvation.

But fear not! We have our own courage to conquer this dragon and its weapons of attack. We need to embrace the truth that Jesus has come to be the King who conquers the devil by dying on the cross and will return one day to judge. We need to realize our identity as God's children. He has assured us of our salvation by the blood of the Lamb. We do not need to be alarmed but we certainly need to be alert of the devil's attack in these last days.

Let us put on our armour of faith in Christ!

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