Leviticus 8-15 ~ Unclean Before God
This second talk in the Leviticus series discusses some of the ways Israelites could make themselves unclean: by eating unclean animals or food (Leviticus 11), in childbirth (Leviticus 12), with leprosy or skin disease (Leviticus 13 and 14), or with bodily discharges such as semen, menses or ongoing bleeding (Leviticus 15). What is the significance of such uncleanness? Leviticus 11:44 tells us that God is holy. He dwells within the sanctuary, in the middle of the tent. If one is unclean, he or she is to abstain from coming into the sanctuary (Leviticus 12:4) and dwell outside the camp (Leviticus 13:46). Also, Leviticus 15 illustrates the idea of spread and contamination (both first and second degree). It then falls onto the priests to be the ones to pronounce one as "clean" or "unclean" (Leviticus 13), and performing sacrifices on behalf of the "unclean" (Leviticus 14). Clothed in special garments and performing special ceremonies (Leviticus 8), priests were consecrated (considered holier than others), represented God's people to God, and acted as mediators.
Mark 1:40-44 records Jesus cleansing a leper. It demonstrates that cleanliness is about being able to be in relationship with God. Another healing account is also recorded in Mark 5:24-34 where a woman with a blood flow of 12 years was healed when she touched Jesus' garments. Instead of making Jesus unclean, the reverse happened. This illustrates the faith that Jesus can make one clean to approach God.
Mark 7 goes on to show that all foods are clean. All the rules in Old Testament do not matter anymore much less the extra ones created by the Pharisees and Jews. The rules outlined in Leviticus are there to teach us about God's holiness and that an unclean person cannot come before God. Jesus taught in Mark 7 that it is not the external material (e.g. food) that makes one unclean but what comes out of a person is what defiles him (Mark 7:20). The following two verses in Mark 7:21-22 list all the anti-social characteristics originating from our heart that may defile us.
These are sins that go beyond that of Aaron and his sons (the Old Testament priests). Even Nadab and Abihu (two of Aaron's sons) have failed when they offered unauthorized fire in Leviticus 10. Leviticus 9:7 shows that Aaron was not exempt from having to make atonement for himself either - he was not the perfect priest.
That said, we now have the perfect priest in Jesus Christ. Because He lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood and He is also able to save completely (Hebrews 7:23-28). How He has cleansed us that we may no longer be unclean before God!
Mark 1:40-44 records Jesus cleansing a leper. It demonstrates that cleanliness is about being able to be in relationship with God. Another healing account is also recorded in Mark 5:24-34 where a woman with a blood flow of 12 years was healed when she touched Jesus' garments. Instead of making Jesus unclean, the reverse happened. This illustrates the faith that Jesus can make one clean to approach God.
Mark 7 goes on to show that all foods are clean. All the rules in Old Testament do not matter anymore much less the extra ones created by the Pharisees and Jews. The rules outlined in Leviticus are there to teach us about God's holiness and that an unclean person cannot come before God. Jesus taught in Mark 7 that it is not the external material (e.g. food) that makes one unclean but what comes out of a person is what defiles him (Mark 7:20). The following two verses in Mark 7:21-22 list all the anti-social characteristics originating from our heart that may defile us.
These are sins that go beyond that of Aaron and his sons (the Old Testament priests). Even Nadab and Abihu (two of Aaron's sons) have failed when they offered unauthorized fire in Leviticus 10. Leviticus 9:7 shows that Aaron was not exempt from having to make atonement for himself either - he was not the perfect priest.
That said, we now have the perfect priest in Jesus Christ. Because He lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood and He is also able to save completely (Hebrews 7:23-28). How He has cleansed us that we may no longer be unclean before God!
Labels: Australia, Christianity, Leviticus
Now that you have come to see the importance of the Old Testament, do you keep God's Festivals as recorded in Leviticus 23? ;)
Joel: What do you think yourself? We'll be wrapping up our Leviticus series tomorrow in church as we look at Leviticus 23-27 so keep your eyes peered out for my post on that... ;)
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