..........Myspace Codes An Extraordinary Life: Romans 1-5 ~ Faith and Righteousness

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Romans 1-5 ~ Faith and Righteousness

Last Friday marked the end of our Romans Bible studies series for the year. Here is a brief summary of the essentials on faith and righteousness as presented in the first five chapters of Paul's letter to the Romans:

Romans 1 & 2: All people are sinful and without excuse. All will be judged by God.

Romans 3: There is no one righteous. That said, the righteousness of God is manifested through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.

Romans 4: The object of faith is Jesus. Faith (and not works) leads to righteousness. It is a promise given, received by faith, for everyone.

Romans 5: Being justified by Christ's blood, we are now reconciled to God. We can rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that it ultimately leads to a hope that does not disappoint. Much more than the hope of salvation, this hope is the hope of the glory of God itself.

How great God's love is for us indeed that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! May we be spurred on to live a life truly pleasing to Him, giving Him all the glory that He deserves...

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