Romans 8:18-30 ~ Joy in Certainty
In this letter to the Romans, Paul explains the present condition of the world and creation itself. He tells us in verses 19-22 that creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God, being subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, while groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. In other words, creation is subjected to frustration. This is in line with the event in Genesis 3 where God cursed the ground, making it a harsh world and environment. That said, we have hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God (verses 20-21). There will come a day when the sons of God will be revealed. Though frustrated and decayed now, creation has a glorious future - the present time is merely "contraction time" ("childbirth" in verse 22).
As we have come to understand the present condition of the world and creation, it is vital for us to understand the present condition of Christians too. Just like creation, we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly (verse 23). Often more than not, we sometimes make the grave mistake of thinking that if only we have God's Spirit, we will be set free from suffering, but Paul points out that it is the complete opposite - it is precisely because of the Spirit within us that we groan in the first place. It is the Spirit that helps us to yearn for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies (verse 23).
As such, Christians are people of hope with a glorious future. It is in this hope we were saved (verse 24) and so, we wait for it with patience (verse 25). For the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is the be revealed to us (verse 18). In the meanwhile, the Spirit helps us in our weakness (verse 26) - He intercedes for us, the saints, with groaning too deep for words and according to the will of God (verses 27-28). And what is this will of God? God's will is that everyone of us should be conformed to the image of his Son, being made into the likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ, as we await the glory He promised, having been predestined, called and justified (verses 28-30).
Dear brothers and sisters, will you then join me in enduring the sufferings of this present time, trusting Him at all times, as we patiently await the glory that is to be revealed to us?
Ps. Dear Kenneth, if you happen to read this blogpost, thanks again for preaching to us this sermon last Sunday... ^_^
As we have come to understand the present condition of the world and creation, it is vital for us to understand the present condition of Christians too. Just like creation, we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly (verse 23). Often more than not, we sometimes make the grave mistake of thinking that if only we have God's Spirit, we will be set free from suffering, but Paul points out that it is the complete opposite - it is precisely because of the Spirit within us that we groan in the first place. It is the Spirit that helps us to yearn for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies (verse 23).
As such, Christians are people of hope with a glorious future. It is in this hope we were saved (verse 24) and so, we wait for it with patience (verse 25). For the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is the be revealed to us (verse 18). In the meanwhile, the Spirit helps us in our weakness (verse 26) - He intercedes for us, the saints, with groaning too deep for words and according to the will of God (verses 27-28). And what is this will of God? God's will is that everyone of us should be conformed to the image of his Son, being made into the likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ, as we await the glory He promised, having been predestined, called and justified (verses 28-30).
Dear brothers and sisters, will you then join me in enduring the sufferings of this present time, trusting Him at all times, as we patiently await the glory that is to be revealed to us?
Ps. Dear Kenneth, if you happen to read this blogpost, thanks again for preaching to us this sermon last Sunday... ^_^
Labels: Australia, Christianity, Romans
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