..........Myspace Codes An Extraordinary Life: 2 Timothy 3:1 - 4:5 ~ All Scripture is All We Need

Monday, March 07, 2011

2 Timothy 3:1 - 4:5 ~ All Scripture is All We Need

In these last days we're living in, Paul predicts difficult times ahead, filled with persecutions and suffering (2 Timothy 3:1, 12). It is a world filled with pagan love where people become lovers of self and have the appearance of godliness but love money and pleasure rather than God (2 Timothy 3:2-5). Already we can see for ourselves the growth of fake religion where people have itching ears and look for the message they want to hear to suit their own passions rather than to hear the truth itself (2 Timothy 4:3-4). But there will come a final judgment when Christ returns as judge and king (2 Timothy 4:1).

Paul charges or commands that the Word be preached with the readiness to reprove, rebuke and exhort, with complete patience and teaching (2 Timothy 4:2). We are encouraged to be sober-minded and to endure suffering as we persist in proclaiming the gospel instead of staggering around (2 Timothy 4:5). We are to continually be convicted in what we have firmly believed, learning from both Paul and ultimately the sacred writings of the Scripture (2 Timothy 3:14-15). All Scripture is breathed out by God (2 Timothy 3:16), indicating it is God-spirited and continues to be from God Himself. The main profit is to equip the man of God (an OT expression for the preacher; in this case it is Timothy that Paul directs this to) for every good work (which is essentially the job of preaching the gospel) (2 Timothy 3:17).

Depending on the job at hand, we all need the right tool for the job. You may use a screwdriver to disassemble a piece of furniture but you wouldn't get the job done properly (if at all!) if you expect to use the same screwdriver to change a flat tyre instead of using a spanner or a wrench. Similarly, the Bible is the right tool for preaching the Word, so use it!

All Scripture is indeed all we need!

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