..........Myspace Codes An Extraordinary Life: January 2006

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

And I'm leaving on a jet plane...

Yes, that title sure sounds familiar; in fact it's part of a song's lyrics...

But that's just exactly what I'm doing come next Thursday, 9th February. I'm finally flying off to Sydney to further my studies in UNSW! Sure, I feel all excited and hyped up, especially since it's my 1st time abroad if you don't count in Singapore... A new year, a new beginning...

But I can't help feeling sad as well, leaving behind the people I love: my family, friends, teachers and all of you out there whom I've once crossed path with... I'll always remember the good and bad times we share: the laughters, the tears, the joys, the heartaches; you name it...

So, let this post also be a thank you note for all of you who've once supported me in times of hardship, cheered with me in times of happiness, or merely just smiled and said hello... You've all been wonderful!

Take care, everyone, and do e-mail me once in a while ya?

Till then, 9th February, I await your arrival with abated breath...

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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Memories... (Part 4)

Hehe, never expected to come up with a part 4... But here it is! Enjoy!

"Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!"
Standing beside Tunku Abdul Rahman's 'Independence' Car in Melaka...

"Choo! Choo! Bom, bom, bom!"
Blowing off the steam with this pose with my aunt and cousin brother from Sabah...

"Duck! Cover! Whatever!"
Me at the majestic entrance of the famous Portuguese fort of A Famosa...

"O Christmas Tree!"
What's Christmas without a Christmas tree eh? Shot taken with my cousin in Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel...

What do you think of the pics? Spill it out! :p

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