An Eventful Week
So it seems that I still have time for events outside of studies and here's another update...

The Kensington Colleges Leaders' Recognition Dinner 2008 - cheers to us, the Assistant Tutors! L-R: Abe (Biotech PhD student, Goldstein), Lai (E&E Engineering Masters student, Basser), myself (MBBS student, Basser). Behind us is a beautiful ice sculpture of an eagle - a little blur in this photo though...

Scenario Group party. The whole group's toasting with our champagne. There was heaps of food (potluck style) - 2 cakes, brownies, nachos and salsa dips, crackers and cheese, soybean chips (something like muruku), fruits, vege with hommus, all sorts of candies and chocs - I can't remember the list; it's too long! To give you an idea, we downed everything with 2 bottles of champagne and 4 bottles of soft drink - to think that we'll one day be advising our patients to keep off these sort of stuff, lol... =D

Still on the SG party. As we third years are about to leave Phase 1 and move onto Phase 2, the second years gave us a touching thank you speech and lovely farewell gifts - here's what's inside my gift bag (coincidentally purple - my favourite colour!): mini doctor toy set (stethoscope, reflex hammer, timer, surgical knife and dish, oxygen mask and tank), mini highlighter, jumbo-sized crayon, marble bounce ball, Robert Timms' Mocha Kenya Style, Skittles Fruits, Zappo strawberry strips and a Mars bar. Merryn (the gal who came up with the gift idea) said the mini doctor toy set is to further motivate us as we work towards our goal of becoming doctors while the stationery assist us in our studies plus the coffee and candies help us keep awake while we study for End-of-Phase One exams. How thoughtful! =)

Home bible studies at Andy's place. A sumptuous dinner of bak kut teh (cooked by Chin Wei), vege and omelette (by Pey Pey) followed by hot mung bean soup (by Andy) for dessert. A wonderful session on why and who we pray to, followed by silly games like "Buddy Buddy", "Ping Pong Piang" and "Chinese Charades". I heart my group!

This is what I saw as I head back to my room from the dining hall after lunch. Some of the Basser boys did their laundry and tried to make the best use of the incredible sunshine we had that day by setting up a super long clothes line from one alcove end to another. The line was overburdened with the weight of the laundry that it "sunk" in the middle, so the guys thought it would be better if they stretched a little by getting up on a bench placed on top of a table and hold the clothes line up. And stretch they did! =P
That's it folks! Gotta do a little studying before I head off to church in a couple of hours...
Labels: Australia, Basser, Christianity, Medicine