Hehe, I know I haven't updated my blog for quite a while - I'm surprised when some of my friends (whom I didn't expect will read my blog that often) told me I should update soon, lol... Anyway, here's a "photo-packed edition" to keep you readers "entertained" for the next few minutes...

Bought this
sand-gray Japan Winter '08 range jacket from Kathmandu, Bondi Junction at an incredible sales price of AUD54.95 when the original price was AUD159.95! Don't worry, it's not pirated or anything - it's the authentic stuff. Reason why it costs less than a third of the actual price? They had an incoming batch of "new" colours in the range! Lol, their loss is my gain, hehe! =D

Bought this
silver top at TEMT, The Galleries Victoria for AUD9.95 (original price was AUD19.95) - again, my gain! =P

Yet another purchase from TEMT - this time, a
dark purple dress. Ignore the jeans - was too lazy to take it off when I was trying the dress on. The price? AUD24.95. How could I possibly resist such a bargain, more so when the dress is

This is where I'm currently undertaking my ILP research - at CRUfAD! You shouldn't have a problem working out what the acronym stands for... =)

The sign on the door entrance of my research lab to which I hold a master key to, muahaha... *evil cackle* Isn't it cool I'm working at an internationally-recognized (WHO) lab? Lots of work to do at research but it's really enjoyable and the research team's simply fabulous - everyone's so friendly, I feel so welcomed!

"Charlie" and his "angel" - Lai and I posing during the End of Session 1 formal dinner. ^_^

Me and the "guitar man": Tim's so talented in stringing the guitar; wish I knew how to play the guitar... >.<

Took too many photos at the formal but I thought I should end with this shot of me sitting at the Master's Chair - yes, that's the dress I bought at TEMT!
Ta for now, I should really go to sleep - I'm busy even on weekends, you know! =P
Labels: Australia, Basser, Medicine, Outings